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Objective and Focus

Because, the intersectionality of crime and sexual orientation is particularly fascinating, the prime objective of this blog is to discuss and research cases that focus on crimes committed by individuals or against individuals that identified as gay.

More specifically, I ask what maladaptive behaviors, ideas, and attitudes among gay men and gay culture increase the likely hood of victimization?

Does pornography depicting hardcore sadomasochism, drug use, and anonymous sex normalize violence and aggression?

To what extent do contemporary societal perceptions of homosexuality impact the reporting, investigating, and persecution of crimes committed against/by gay men?

Juan Vallejo Corona


NAME: Juan Vallejo Corona 
DOB/DOD: February 7, 1934 – March 4, 2019
MODUS OPERANDI: +stabbing +body mutilation  +decapitation +sexual violence
VICTIM TOTAL: 25  +possibly more
RECURRING THEMES: +internalized homophobia +killing spree +carving of bodies +sexual sadism +DX of Schizophrenia
Ethnicity: Mexican-American
Location: Yuba, California, USA

Successful labor contractor, married with 4 children. 

Spring 1971: Targeted older, poor, migrant farm workers. Most notably, the male victims suffered from substance abuse issues, were destitute, and had criminal records.  

  • Stabbed victims in the chest. Pulled pants down. Mutilated head with machete. 
  • Carved a cross on back of skull post mortem. 
  • Sodomized victims prior to death. Possible history of serial rape but, inconclusive information available. 

Terms and Recurring Themes

Chem Sex: the use of drugs to enhance sex, often by increasing desire and reducing inhibition. Commonly used drugs are GHB, mephedrone, and crystal meth.

Sadomasochism: the derivation of sexual gratification from infliction of physical pain or humiliation either on another person or on oneself.

Objectification: (1) the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object.

Necrophilia: sexual intercourse with or attraction towards corpses.

Cannibalism: the act of consuming another individual of the same species as food.